Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oracle IAS DataGuard HA Implementation - Oracle IAS 10G R2

Oracle IAS DataGuard Implementation - Oracle IAS 10G R2

I was searching the google to find any help on this setup.But i couldn't find any - not even a single post.Really surprised.
Anyhow this configuration was very useful and no more worries about the IAS configuration corruption issues.

Installation overview:

1.Set up the Virtual server name for both nodes.I used Redhat cluster suite for this purpose.
2.Install IAS (Infrastucture only) on the first node (ias1)
3.check all the OPMN components are up and running
4.Backup the entire node1 configuration
5.Copy the portlists.ini to the second node
6.Install IAS (Infrastucture only) using the portlists.ini file
7.check all the OPMN components are up and running
8.Backup the entire node2 configuration
9.start DG control utility on node1
10.connect as ias_admin and connect to the primary database (node1)
11.dump policies
12.Verify the topologies on primary and secondary instances
13.Initiate the standby topology on node2.This will backup the configuration file (using bkup_restore utility) and prepare both instances for the DG setup.Also
convert both instances into archive mode.Also the secondary shutdown and kept in mount stage (not opened). ASG does all for you.
14.BAckup the entire system node1 and node2
15.Test the switch over to node2
16.Test the switch over to node1

You have completed the IAS DG setup.

This setup includes only the Infrastucture and not any of the MID Tiers like BI or Portal/Wireless.But the setup is the same for all configurations.

NOTE - Be cautious while maintaing this environment.Virtual IP conflict may mess the startup of the OPMN components and some of OPMN process may not startup.I had some bad time on this.

On Node1

ASGCTL> connect asg ias_admin/iasadmin1
Successfully connected to IAS1:7892
ASGCTL> discover topology oidsslport=636 oidpassword=iasadmin1
Discovering topology on host "IAS1" with IP address ""

Connecting to the OID server on host "" using SSL port "636" and username "orcladmin"
Getting the list of databases from OID
Gathering database information for SID "ias" from host "infra"
Getting the list of instances from OID
Gathering instance information for "infra.infra" from host "infra"
The topology has been discovered. A topology.xml file has been written to each home in the topology.

ASGCTL> dump polices

dump policies

Display the topology information

Below is an example of dump topology:

connect ASG host_foo ias_admin/pass
dump topology

ASGCTL> verify topology with rinfra
Generating default policy for this operation

HA directory exists for instance infra.infra

HA directory exists for instance infra.infra

Verifying that the topology is symmetrical in both primary and standby configuration
ASGCTL> set trace on all

ASGCTL> instantiate topology to using policy /u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/conf/verify_policy.xml

Instantiating each instance in the topology to standby topology
HA directory exists for instance infra.infra

HA directory exists for instance infra.infra

Verifying that the topology is symmetrical in both primary and standby configuration

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
This is primary infrastructure host
Connecting to the primary database
Gathering information from the primary database

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Shutting down each instance in the topology
Shutting down component OID
Shutting down component HTTP_Server
Shutting down component OC4J
Shutting down component dcm-daemon
Shutting down component LogLoader
This is standby infrastructure host
Deleting the standby database
Shutting down the standby database
Issuing "shutdown immediate;" to shutdown the database

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Creating a standby template

Connecting to the primary database
Gathering information from the primary database
Creating physical standby database - prepare phase
Setting db and log file name convert
* The prepare phase was run previously. Redoing. ***

Setting db and log file name convert

Ensuring database "" is in ARCHIVELOG mode.
Querying primary database for data files.
Creating Standby database parameter file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dbs/tmp_initias.ora".

Creating Standby database instance "ias".
Verifying datafile location on standby host.
Updating net service entry for "" in tnsnames file.
Updating net service listener entry for "" in listener file.
Updating net service entry for "" in tnsnames file.

Successfully completed Prepare task for Create Physical Standby.
Creating physical standby database - copy phase
* The copy phase was run previously. Redoing. ***

Checking if standby database is running

Querying primary database for data files.
Shutting down the primary database
This operation requires the database to be shutdown. Do you want to continue? Yes or No
Issuing "shutdown immediate;" to shutdown the database
Issuing "startup mount ;" to start the database
Creating Standby database control file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dbs/tmp_ias.ctl".
Shutting down the primary database
Issuing "shutdown immediate;" to shutdown the database
Copying database datafiles to the standby host
Issuing "startup open ;" to start the database
Successfully completed Copy task for Create Physical Standby.
Creating physical standby database - finish phase
Create Physical Standby:Finish - Init.

Create Physical Standby:Finish - Init.

Create Physical Standby:Finish - Prepare primary.
Saving redo log information for standby server

Create Physical Standby:Finish - Configure standby.
Creating directories for dump and trace
Connecting to standby database
Creating a spfile for standby database
Starting the standby database
Issuing "startup nomount ;" to start the database
Creating standby redo log
Adding log archive destination to the parameter file
Starting managed recovery
Making sure that log is being applied to standby database

Create Physical Standby:Finish - Configure primary.
Verifying access to standby database
Adding log archive destination in the parameter file
Performing a log switch

Verifying log application

Successfully completed Finish task for Create Physical Standby.

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Synchronizing topology
Synchronizing each instance in the topology to standby topology
Starting backup of topology ""
Backing up and copying data to the standby topology
Backing up each instance in the topology
Starting backup of instance "infra.infra"
Configuring the backup script
Backing up the instance configuration files. This may take a few minutes
Deleted directory "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup".
Copying backup file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/config_bkp_2009-06-13_00-38-35.jar" from "IAS1" [] to "" at "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/infra.infra/config_bkp_2009-06-13_00-38-35.jar"
Copying backup catalog file /u01/oracle/product/infra/backup_restore/data/catalog.txt from IAS1 [] to
Completed backup of instance "infra.infra"
Starting restore of topology ""
Restoring data to the standby topology
Restoring each instance in the topology

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Copying backup file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/infra.infra/config_bkp_2009-06-13_00-38-35.jar" from "" to "ias2" [] at "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/config_bkp_2009-06-13_00-38-35.jar"
Deleting backup file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/config_bkp_2009-06-13_00-38-35.jar"
Starting restore of instance "infra.infra"
Configuring the backup script
Restoring the instance configuration files. This may take a few minutes

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Starting backup/synchronization of database ""

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Starting restore/synchronization of database ""
Synchronizing topology completed successfully

Synchronizing topology completed successfully

Switch Over to Node2

ASGCTL> connect asg ias_admin/iasadmin1
Successfully connected to IAS1:7892
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/sys2@ias
Checking connection to database ias
ASGCTL> switchover topology to
Generating default policy for this operation

Switchover each instance in the topology to standby topology

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Connecting to the primary database
Gathering information from the primary database

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Shutting down each instance in the topology
Shutting down component OID
Shutting down component HTTP_Server
Shutting down component OC4J
Shutting down component dcm-daemon
Shutting down component LogLoader

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Shutting down each instance in the topology
Shutting down component OID
Shutting down component HTTP_Server
Shutting down component OC4J
Shutting down component dcm-daemon
Shutting down component LogLoader
Synchronizing topology
Synchronizing each instance in the topology to standby topology
Starting backup of topology ""
Backing up and copying data to the standby topology
Backing up each instance in the topology
Starting backup of instance "infra.infra"
Configuring the backup script
Backing up the instance configuration files. This may take a few minutes
Deleted directory "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup".
Copying backup file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/config_bkp_2009-06-13_01-03-34.jar" from "IAS1" [] to "" at "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/infra.infra/config_bkp_2009-06-13_01-03-34.jar"
Copying backup catalog file /u01/oracle/product/infra/backup_restore/data/catalog.txt from IAS1 [] to
Completed backup of instance "infra.infra"
Starting restore of topology ""
Restoring data to the standby topology
Restoring each instance in the topology

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Copying backup file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/infra.infra/config_bkp_2009-06-13_01-03-34.jar" from "" to "ias2" [] at "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/config_bkp_2009-06-13_01-03-34.jar"
Deleting backup file "/u01/oracle/product/infra/dsa/backup/config_bkp_2009-06-13_01-03-34.jar"
Starting restore of instance "infra.infra"
Configuring the backup script
Restoring the instance configuration files. This may take a few minutes

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Starting backup/synchronization of database ""

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Starting restore/synchronization of database ""
Synchronizing topology completed successfully

Synchronizing topology completed successfully

IAS1:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Creating a standby template

Connecting to the primary database
Gathering information from the primary database
Switching over standby database
Switchover - init.

Switchover - init.

Switchover - primary preparing.
Creating standby redo logs in the primary database

Switchover - standby preparing.
Stopping Job Queue Scheduler.
Stopping Advanced Queue Time Manager.
Starting managed recovery in the standby database.

Switchover - primary processing.
Recycling the primary database because switchover status is SESSIONS ACTIVE
Shutting down the primary database
Issuing "shutdown immediate;" to shutdown the database
Starting the primary database
Issuing "startup restrict ;" to start the database
Stopping Job Queue Scheduler in the primary database
Stopping Advanced Queue Time Manager in the primary database
The primary database is ready to switchover
Switching over the primary database to the standby role
Shutting down the old primary database
Issuing "shutdown immediate;" to shutdown the database
Starting up the old primary database as the new standby
Issuing "startup nomount ;" to start the database

Switchover - standby processing.
Getting the switchover status from the database.
Switching over the standby database to the primary role.
Shutting down the new primary database.
Issuing "shutdown immediate;" to shutdown the database
Starting up the new primary database.
Issuing "startup open ;" to start the database
Switchover - standby finishing.
Enabling the archive destination in the new primary database.
Starting log archiving in the new primary database.

Switchover - primary finishing.
Deferring the archive destination in the new standby database.
Enabling managed recovery in the new standby database.

ias2:7892 (home /u01/oracle/product/infra)
Starting each instance in the topology
Starting component OID
Starting component dcm-daemon
Configuring the backup script
Executing restore_config -F DCM-resyncforce option in script
Executing opmnctl startall command

HA directory exists for instance infra.infra

HA directory exists for instance infra.infra

Verifying that the topology is symmetrical in both primary and standby configuration

Verify the IAS components on node 1 - All process will be down except the DSA process

[oracle@IAS1 ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: infra.infra
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
DSA | DSA | 24993 | Alive
LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | N/A | Down
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | N/A | Down
OID | OID | N/A | Down

Verify the IAS components on node 2

[oracle@ias2 ~]$ /u01/oracle/product/infra/opmn/bin/opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: infra.infra
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
DSA | DSA | 31526 | Alive
LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 12489 | Alive
OC4J | OC4J_SECURITY | 22594 | Alive
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 22596 | Alive
OID | OID | 12385 | Alive

Once the switch over is complete, you can either failover or switch over back to Node1

Hope this helps.

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